Check Out These Easy Cocktails You Can Make for Quarantine Happy Hour

The self isolation of COVID-19 stay-at-home guidelines has added a great deal of stress and anxiety to our daily routine. Many Americans are out of work due to business closures, restricted hours, and children being home from school. When you add financial strain to the cabin fever everyone is experiencing, it is easy to understand why many of us need a drink to relax and unwind once in a while.

Getting Creative

One of the positive effects of the shelter in place orders is that people are learning to make the most of what they have. Grocery store shelves are missing items we usually buy, and we are learning to make new recipes with the ingredients we have on hand. Quarantine cocktails are trending, so what better way to make use of some of those things in the liquor cabinet that need a little attention. You may need to pick up a few additional items when you venture out, but these quarantine cocktails will ease your mind and stay in your bartending repertoire for years to come!


This soothing drink is perfect for warming up on a cool evening or even a breakfast treat if you aren’t a bloody mary fan. The best part is, you most likely already have all of the ingredients right at home. Cinnamon, black or chai tea, honey, and lemon are all you need to create a base for this delicious cocktail. Add a bit of rum or whiskey, and enjoy a tasty treat.

Morini Classico Negroni

If you enjoy taking your time sipping a cocktail and savoring its complexity, a classic negroni is sure to please. This drink has made a bit of a comeback in recent years but is still not something that you see on a drink menu every day. Gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth are some of the bottles that are likely gathering dust in your liquor cabinet, so get them out and mix one up. If you love it, consider keeping a larger batch on hand. It doesn’t go bad, so save yourself the trouble of mixing a new drink every time.


There’s nothing like the refreshing zing of a daiquiri, and we’re not talking about the frozen strawberry chain restaurant concoctions (although they are refreshing, too!) This classic cocktail uses the basic ingredients of white rum, simple syrup, and lime juice to build a perfect beverage to enjoy on your deck on a spring quarantine afternoon. They go down easy, so be sure to pace yourself and avoid that morning headache.

These are strange times we’re living in, but you don’t have to sit at home bored. It’s ok to treat yourself to an occasional quarantine cocktail and let off a little steam. Consider reaching out to a

few friends you haven’t seen in awhile and organizing a Zoom happy hour to reconnect and catch up on each others’ lives. If you’re missing any ingredients, check out the Payless Liquors pickup order form and get your spirits the easy way while practicing social distancing.