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Lagavulin 8 Year

Our subject for this week is the coveted Lagavulin 8 year Limited Edition.

This particular bottle is near and dear to my heart as I am an avid lover of my family’s Anglosaxon roots and the show Parks and Rec.
ron-swanson-lagavulin-300x223The Lagavulin distillery is located in Islay, Scotland and it is also the drink of choice for Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec. Any fans out there for either of those things? (If so, you must watch this video, it’s a great video even if you are not, actually.)

Even if you’re not and have had no idea what I was talking about up until now, Lagavulin 8 year is absolutely choice. Lagavulin is world renowned for more reasons than one, and completely deserving of the reputation is has received.

It was founded in 1816, and actually translates from the Gaelic (indigenous Celtic language of Scotland) to lag a’mhuilin, meaning “hollow by the mill”. Which perfectly represents the 1024px-lagavulin_-_entrancedistillery itself. It is a quaint and beautiful building located just a hop and a skip from Port Ellen, Laphroaig, and Ardberg, all of which are also incredible distilleries.

This particular bottle, Lagavulin 8 yr., is very rare. It is not even listed as a product 99% of the time due to its rarity. Which is where we come in, we want to provide you with an up close and personal experience with this coveted product.

We definitely suggest this be taken neat in a whiskey nosing glass.

lagavulin-8-year-oldFirst off, as always, lets start with the nose. This may seem strange to say, but it seems clear that it is from the beautiful coast of Scotland. Right off the bat, there are notes of clean, fresh milk and light tea. Followed by chocolate and lemon, like a fresh spring morning with breakfast by the ocean. It is romanticism and poetry in a glass.

Next is the palate. Lagavulin never disappoints but, if it’s possible, this one was even more bold and beautiful than usual. It is a full on Lagavulin taste with a mix of charred chocolate and maritime flavors.

We definitely suggest ordering a bottle of this at your favorite local Payless and be sure to check back next week for our newest feature! Slán go fóill! (Goodbye in Gaelic)